Die Südwestfalen Agentur ist zu Gast bei dem Dorffest im Mai 2010 in Referinghausen.

Juchu, Referinghausen hat Geburtstag und wird 750 Jahre alt (2019)!
Mit einem dreitägigen Fest haben die 211 Einwohner sich und ihr Dorf kräftig gefeiert.

Waldbrand ist eine Installation, die an das dramatische Waldsterben 2020 erinnern soll. Auf einem Podest aus Stahlbetonbalken wurde ein Stapel aus Holz aufgebaut. Der Aufbau wurde verbrannt und fotografiert. Anschließend wurde die Installation wieder abgebaut. Was bleibt ist das Bewusstsein unser sensibles Ökosystem zu pflegen und zu schützen.

The four cubes made of burnt plywood are reminiscent of the provenance of Referinghausen. The hamlet was first mentioned in a document of 1269, as a settlement of four small farms, whose residents were solely dependent on agriculture. The Open Mind Place Ursprung (origin) picks up the typology of the traditional farmhouse, which consists of three parts, the living area, the stable and the threshing floor. The elongated shape of the house with a gable roof was put up vertically and brought together to form a place of remembrance. The visitor wanders through the interspace and finds peace and contemplation inside the individual cubes.

The installation Unterholz (lower wood) is located on the multigenerational square of Referinghausen. In the lower part, seating possibilities for young and elderly have been cut out from two concrete cubes. During the manufacture, the villagers attached old windows, doors and memorabilia to the concrete formwork in order to leave a permanent imprint for future generations. The upper part is made out of wood, from which the half-timbered houses in the Sauerland were once built. On the one hand, it serves as a roof and on the other hand as a central luminous element for the dark hours

On the hill dedicated to the annual Easter fire above Referinghausen thrones the Open Mind Place Sonnenklang (sound of the sun). The tent-shaped roof over a wooden lounger captures the light rays from the evening sun and the sounds of the surrounding. Here the visitor can relax and take in the landscape.

The Pflug (plow) reminisces of the village’s rural origins. Digitized records that tell stories of ancestors’ daily life are reproduced. A staircase takes you down into the walkable sculpture to wander around and to listen to the old tales on a bench with a view over the fields and the landscape. Despite the fatiguing and arduous life, the stories advocate finding the joy and satisfaction in life.

On the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity in May 2020, three small pavilions made of welded wire mesh were constructed on a hilltop. Various types of regional plants, flowers and grass grow aloft the wire grids framing the view into the sky. The Open Mind Place Himmelstropfen (drop of sky) serves as a place of retreat, to explore the connectedness with nature and self-identity. Meanwhile, it has developed into a beloved spot for many people in the region.

The Open Mind Place Heidentempel (pagan temple) is a place of rest for hikers, located directly on the road Heidenstraße, a trade route between Leipzig and Cologne that dates back 1,000 years. At the transition between the forest and the clearing, the wooden structure consists only of wooden pillars holding a round roof, under which it is possible to sit and to pause. An incision with a view into the treetops and the sky symbolizes the darkness of the forest and the light of the fields. The Heidentempel is a place of exchange with nature and other people.

The Open Mind Place Oberholz (upper wood) is located 20 meters above the neighboring Unterholz installation. Oak sleepers were stacked on a sub-structure of six concrete pillars to form a building for coming together. The interior is accessible via a small bridge and offers space for up to six people. The elevated position allows a wide view over the village and the hills in the south with the Heidenstraße. For many people, Oberholz is a popular place to retreat and to exchange ideas with others.

1. Jugend-Filmfestival der Regionale 2013 im Viktoria Filmtheater - Sieger: Referinghausen
Vor 200 Gästen fand im Viktoria Filmtheater in Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch das 1. Jugend-Filmfestival im Jahr 2011 der REGIONALE 2013 statt. Für das Filmprojekt sind Jugendliche aus vier Dörfern Südwestfalens seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr im Einsatz. Die Gruppen aus Olpe-Oberveischede, Attendorn-Helden, Geseke-Störmede und Medebach-Referinghausen berichten über die Stärken und Schwächen ihres Dorfes und stellen sich den Fragen: „Warum verlassen Jugendliche ihre Dörfer und was kann sie bewegen, zu bleiben?". Auf der großen Kinoleinwand wurden die Filme aller Teams jetzt erstmals einem größeren Publikum vorgeführt.